I have a new camera.

I'm figuring out how to work it.

Is she really that beautiful or have I just been blind?

When we looked at her, at least until Pearl arrived, what WE saw, was a puppy. Not this elegant girl.

Comic relief. Yeah this is a repeat but she is just so darn cute.
I have been meaning to mention that I regularly get comments from people who don't list their e-mail address. Some of them come back regularly. I just want you to know that I really appreciate what you have to say and that you drop by. I frequently answer e-mails when posters leave me an e-mail address and I really look forward to that. But even if I don't answer your post because you don't leave an e-mail address - thanks. If you ever start a blog, please make sure I know so I can see what your are up to and answer you back.
Oh!!!! Look at that sweet pink tummy!!!
I've never been sure whether to comment or not - but I always read and think about what you wrote. Someday maybe I'll get a blog - but writing seems like so much work!
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