I tried out the new camera, this morning, and think I am going to like it. It is going to take awhile to get a good feel for how it works and the pictures I am posting, today, are more about showing the way the girls are getting along than about art.

We've viewed Evelyn as the baby for so long that we generally don't notice her elegance. Seeing her next to Pearl is kind of jarring. It is a lot like seeing your gawky teenager come into the room all dressed up for the prom. When did she grow up?

Pearl is sleeping through the night and has been a little love. All the angst ridden predictions of sleep deprivation haven't come to pass, yet.

And we've had a fabulous batch of nice weather, although that is supposed to go away, tonight. We're grateful for the several days of springlike temperatures to get Pearl on a schedule.

Evelyn seems to really like her.

And Pearl adores Evelyn.

This is not the best picture, but seriously, just how cute can a puppy possibly be?

They make a pretty pair!
Your camera takes nice pictures. Pearl and Evelyn look like they have been best friends forever. Now I am going to sound like my DD, "I waaaaaant oneeeeeee" LOL. They are just adorable together.
With her days full of you, your hubby and Evelyn she is probably so tired at night she just crashes!
The pictures are wonderful......I second what Kathy says. I waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnt Onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnee toooooooooooooooooo!!
What adorable pictures! I've been saying for a long time that I want one...so for Christmas, the hubby got me a calendar with Samoyeds. Smarty pants!!! He says I can have one if I get rid of some cats. Did I ask all these cats to show up at my house??? I love cats but I truly have more than my fair share. LOL
Ahhhh....how can you do anything but watch those two? They are so cute together and I think your camera does take nice pictures.
You can tell that they have adapted to each other right off the bat! And the way they are curious as to what is under those rocks makes me smile.. :-)
Penny...Vance Quilts R Us is me... I started a blog for our guild but it is coming up as my name for replying to someones post. I just deleted the blog so that will stop happening.
Anyway...Countdown to McTavishing! :-)
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