Nuff said.
Husband has a collection of vintage cowboy boots. No question that people, particularly women, had smaller feet as little as 50 years ago. I'm no big foot but I can't get my Ugly Stepsister foot into most of them. A couple of years ago, when my mother was very ill and came to live with us, Husband came home to find that she had sat around the living room and tried on all his boots. Without socks. Just wearing a house dress. He was speechless and I was secretly cracking up.
So Mom.
So Husband.
Most of them fit her.
Check out the picture on the right of Mom and Jezebel. When she was dying, Jezebel would hardly leave her.
So here are a few of his favorites:

Here are the boots that I used when I made my cowboy boot wall hanging.

These are my personal favorite:

There are more but I haven't taken pictures of them. These are just some that have a little color in them.
I will need to put up the ones of low shelves. I've no doubt the new puppy would think they were wonderful chew toys.
I'm back to work with a vengeance. I've gone from lazing about to running 100 MPH trying to put out fires (and mainly getting scorched). A judge called me in, yesterday, to tell me he'd assigned me to a custody case where the parents live in different states and one parent is illegal and doesn't speak English. To be honest, I have no idea how in the world I am going to be able to work that case but once I get the paperwork, I will put on my thinking cap and see what I can come up with.
I've got another case where the kids were in the custody of one parent, who was just arrested on a sex abuse charge. The kids went to the other parent but that parent has an open physical abuse case being investigated (same child). The parents hate each other.
Big trial on Monday. It is a nasty one that just got worse because the six year old attacked a puppy and a parent (separate occurrences). The therapist thinks it is a result of the vicious custody dispute between the parents.
Eight year old had a meltdown at school after a parent asked him to search for drugs at the other parent's home. That same parent read court documents to the child so he'd know everything that was going on. Some of the documents are X-rated.
Child who is a convicted sex offender had a prohibited unsupervised visit with the victim after her mother smuggled her in to see him (he is 17, she is 8).
A lawyer wants to get a continuance because a DNA test wasn't done on one of five children of his 32 year old client. His client had four children while married to her husband. Turns out, only one is his. Isn't that special. The husband, who was horrified, is only seeking custody of the one child that is his. The middle child, who thought the husband was his dad, is devastated as you might imagine. So are the grandparents. The reason the DNA test wasn't done is because the possible father got out of jail and they couldn't find him. Mom just had a fifth child. No one is even suggesting husband is the Daddy. Mom admits she didn't handle things very well. She's thinking of getting her tubes tied.
Those are the fires in just three days. My head aches. I really need some quilting therapy and hope to get some this weekend. I've got a big trial on Monday, though, so I'll be working quite a bit.
Oh. My. Gosh.
And people wonder why their children are messed up. It is just so sad. How do you distance yourself from all the pain? I'll bet there are times your heart just bleeds for them. Kids should be like a precious gifts to us. There is nothing....nothing like sitting next to your baby all snuggled under a quilt while watching TV or just talking and sharing your day. It boggles the mind. And what are people thinking by sharing court documents with a child??????? Or having one spy on the other??????? Do not even get me started on the sex offender being snuck in. You have to get a license for so many things but anyone can go and have a child. My heart really goes out to the one who thought he had a dad and now doesn't. My heart also goes out to you trying to help them deal with it all. You are a very special angel my friend. Thank God for dogs, quilting and wonderful hubbys!
dawn...getting off of her soapbox now.
I think my head would have split in two by now! What a difficult job and thank goodness there are people like you willing to do this work! Happy quilting this weekend!
Lurking Linda
Those boots would make wonderful applique quilt blocks - the designs are fabulous.
Once again, I am in awe of what you do for a living. I hope you get a break to quilt this weekend, you sure do deserve it.
That woman is "thinking" of getting her tubes tied????? It should be mandatory!!!!
Bless your heart Penny...please take some time for "quilt therapy" this weekend. I'll be thinking of you as I'm in "therapy" all day tomorrow! Yeah!
Oh & sorry about those sooners...
I can not even imagine doing your job!! I would want to lock up all of them. And most of them in the same cell!!!
Now about those boots!! OMG I love the second ones pictured and the flowered ones.
Did you ever look at those vintage shops at the boots with the hooks? I never have seen a large pair. They must all have had small feet, or they squeezed their feet into them. lol
I love both of your "boot" collections. Of course, I grew up in west TX. I am down to one pair of boots, tho. My daughter has a beautiful pair of red boots on her fireplace as "decorations". Your stories about our lost (sometimes) children are heartbreaking. At one time I served on a board that had oversight of "our system" and its funding. It was very frustrating. I admire your stamina representating the children and families in the court system. There never is enough money and the turnover of child welfare workers is very high because they get tired of battling the system.
Sorry about the Sooners.
Have you picked out a puppy?
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