Husband is allegedly coming home this afternoon. I will be very happy to see him, in part because I am exhausted. Little Evelyn had a belly ache several days ago and was up all night. I took her out every couple of hours. The belly ache is gone but now she thinks this toad hunting at night is just wonderful. I've been up with her three of the past five nights. The first night, she was sick. So, okay. The next night, I didn't want to risk her being sick. So okay, I guess. Then she slept pretty well for two nights. This morning, I'd planned to get up at 5:00 a.m. to take the girls to the vet. At 3:00, Evelyn began ruffing, then barking, then jumping on the bed. They she jumped off and ruffed some more. Then she jumped back up on the bed and stared at me. This went on for about thirty minutes. I was getting pretty steamed because I knew I needed to get some sleep. I was just about to growl back at her when she took her little paw and gently patted me on the head. That cracked me up so I went ahead and got up. I'm still up and getting sleepier by the second.
Here is the wee brat, all 51.8 pounds of her (she also checked out the scale at the vet's office):

I'm so glad Jezebel is doing so well. What a couple of adorable characters you have!
I couldn't stay aggravated at a face like that, either!
GREAT news with Jezebel!
By the way, how did you pick their names?
Glad to hear Jez is doing so well! Congratulations! And as for Evelyn waking you up, Zinnia the cat, comes in and purrs me awake many mornings too, what is it with animals and 3 or 5 am?
so glad to hear you are getting some good news. now i hope you get some sleep.
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