Today, I prepared the Patriotic quilt for binding. I had some material that I used on a couple of blocks and to be honest, I just hate it. I would never use it again, short of a gun to one of my kids' heads, so that made it easy to decide this was the perfect fabric for binding. Use that crap up, I say!

I have a handy dandy quilting reference book that has all sorts of tips and measurements in it. Husband's sister-in-law gave it to me some years ago and I use it constantly.
To make binding, you get a square of fabric (the book will give you the right measurement) and cut it into two equal triangles.

After you stitch together the triangles, you press open the seam.

After that, you create a sleeve and offset the binding the width you want the binding (I like 2.5 inches). You stitch that together and press the seam open.

Draw lines on the back of the fabric (although I hate this fabric so much, either side would work, for me) the width you want the binding.

Cut a 2.5 inch wide strip. Since it is in a sleeve, it is a continuous cut. I have had some unfortunate experiences with this so now I am careful to get a cutting mat underneath it.

Evelyn was my helper.

Because the quilt is so big, I moved a small table to the far side of my sewing machine so it wouldn't drag too much.

I draped the quilt on my longarm and made sure I had enough binding. I had plenty.

Jezebel also helped. You can't tell it from this picture, but her muzzle hair has really taken off.

I use this box to keep the binding straight while I put it on the quilt.

Here I am adding the binding to the quilt. For the non quilters who are reading, you stitch it to the front by machine and then handstitch it down on the back. Tedious, although some people kind of like doing it. Since you are handstitching it while the quilt is in your lap, the winter months are more comfortable for putting on bindings.

This quilt is a mother bear. It weighs 9 pounds!

Here is the secret to putting on binding - WATERBASED GLUESTICK!!!!!!!!

I lightly spread glue so that I can press the binding where it needs to go. Then I add pins. Frankly, once the glue dries the binding will probably hold in place but the pins make sure of that. One less thing to worry about when I hand stitch it down, later. The waterbased glue will wash out after it goes through the wash and I haven't really noticed that it gunks up the needle or bobbin case. Of course, I'll swap out the needle as soon as this project is done.

Now, I am all set to watch the presidential and vice presidential debates. I can stitch on the binding and roll my eyes at the same time.
I love reading your posts! I think better than that though are your photographs...especially those including your babies.
Do you put the gluestick on when you're attaching it to the front of the quilt or when you're handstitching it down to the back? I haven't heard that trick before.
Stephanie, after I machine stitch it to the front, I flip it over and figure out where it needs to lay on the back. Then I dap glue stick there and press down the binding. No squirming around after that! I pin every few inches and when I start hand stitching (tomorrow? next week? next month?) I'll be able to pull off the pins when I get close but not worry about getting stuck or having the binding make a run for it.
The quilt is just gorgeous!! I'm with Sherry...love the pics of the dogs aka your helpers. heehee
thanks for this binding idea...i'm going to give it a try.
I just never get tired of seeing this red/white/BEAUTY quilt when I visit your blog! ;) It turnd out so nice... I can't believe it weighs 9lbs! WOW!
Thanks for yoru binding tips - I never heard of using th eglud stick for binding but it make sense :) I'll have to remember that!
Glad to hear that Jezebel is doing great too!
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
Great tutorial...love that red/white/blue quilt too!
Outstanding quilt! And I LIKE the binding fabric!
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