Last week, I started calling Jezebel Fuzzy Face. After two months, she was FINALLY getting some real hair on her muzzle. It was still too bristly to nuzzle comfortably but you could see she was making progress.
This week, I have switched to calling her Furry Face. Her muzzle is now soft and from the front, really is starting to look white, again. There are even some stray hairs popping up on the black part on the top above her snout. We weren't sure if the radiation would kill the hair follicles (and we sort of hope it did since we really, really REALLY want that cancer dead!) but clearly, there are a few that survived.

She took off howling when I tried to take pictures.

I had a light work day. I visited a little girl at her school and they told me she was painfully shy. I wore jeans and tennis shoes and tried my best to look harmless. Cute little thing. They had no sooner shut the door to let us talk and the little darling jabbered my ear off! She is thriving and days like this leave me with a smile.
I swung by the quilt shop on the way home, then dropped in the book store to get the third book in the Dresdon Files series. After that, I grabbed some stroganoff at "Noodles and Company." I'd never been there before and it was quite good.
Once home, I spoke on the telephone with a parent who kept insisting that he was "over" the former spouse (clearly he was not). After that, I worked with the state on some personal business, spoke to the mother of the little girl I visited at the school and got ready for court, tomorrow. I switched on the television and saw how the stock market tanked after the Bailout flopped. I looked around, grateful that all my fabric and sewing machines are paid for. Following that, I endorsed checks to deposit, pet the girls and am now calling it a good day.