Spent much of the day cleaning out the sewing room and made a lot of progress. I posted some pictures, Thursday, of things in disarray. Here are some pictures, taken today, much further along. Here is my sewing work station:

Here is the TV and the futon in case we have company.

Every workday I leave a new voice message saying something like, “I have court this morning but will be in the office this afternoon except for an appointment from 3:00 to 4:00.” Truth be known, that is when I watch Dr. Phil and work on quilting unless there is a big fire I need to be putting out.
Here are some pictures showing the meat of the room where the long arm will go.

I keep telling you people that it is BIG but just wait until I post a picture. Husband is still gulping over the cost and mentioned that if it turns out I don’t like machine quilting, at least it holds its value really well and I can sell it and get most of my money back. “I’m glad you get a chance to try it and see,” he stresses.
If you look, you can see some of the gorgeous blocks on my design walls that I got from the Think Romance swap. Husband's speakers are hidden under the blue fabric on the right side of the top picture (that is my ironing board). Do you see that rolled up rug? It belonged to my great grandmother and weighs 5000 pounds, I am certain. I rolled it up and dragged it into the hall. I'd have called Husband for help but he was out front raking up where they drilled out stumps.
Husband also called the electrician to have sufficient lights installed. This is getting expensive but he wanted lights and ceiling fans in there, anyway.
Here is my office:

It isn't really messy. All lawyer's offices are like that unless they are in a coma AND have retired for at least a couple of years.
We’d planned to have dinner with neighbors so I skipped lunch. I was starving at about 1:00 and Husband wanted to get some Mexican food. I knew that was silly since we would be eating at 6:00 but, hey, chips were involved, so we went. I told Husband I would order something light so I ordered Spanish rice, three tacos and a side of corn tortillas. He laughed when he saw it and said, “So much for ordering light.” Got so full I could bust. Around 4:30, the friend called to change plans until tomorrow because something unexpected had come up. She felt terrible about it. Frankly, I was thrilled! If I were a better person, I would have told her that I’d pigged out at lunch and didn’t feel like eating, anyway. I don't think this is the time to discuss the results of my diet.
Finished up Mayflower (the book).

I started re-reading The Princes of Ireland by Rutherford.

I read it awhile ago and have forgotten most of it. I ordered Rebels of Ireland and decided to re-read the first book before starting the sequel. I think I have every book he has published.
I gave Sarum to Husband to read.

Your room is gorgeous!
Your sewing room is so nice!
My desk is probably messier, but I can always find what I need..isn't that the most impotant thing?!
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