While I was at it, I paid bills and activated my new Penny Quilts credit card. I set up long arm quilting folders in case I need them, and sent off for a draft long arm business plan and more information on the business end. There are a number of suppliers that professional long armers might prefer and I am trying to scout them out. I also checked into whether I need a tax number if I officially decide to make a business of long arming. It occurred to me that I could call my business “Long Arm of the Law,” but while cute, it doesn’t make any sense and sounds stupid. At the end of all of that, I sat and looked at everything and suffered a serious attack of buyer’s remorse.
I want a bigger long arm.
After all, the next size up has an additional 7 inches of quilting space, a bigger throat and has a direct drive instead of a belt drive. It has a low bobbin warning, too. I just bet the table is cooler and it has a time clock. The next size up is only another $5,500 or so. It is also able to adapt to a computer for another $7,500.00 and I don’t think the model I ordered can be adapted.
Husband was working at home, today, and when I brought this up, his face went white. I can always tell when he is being a “good husband” because he starts measuring out his words and speaking gently, like he is walking on verbal eggshells. He asked (bravely), “Is it too late to order something bigger?”
His face, if possible, went whiter but then the coloring began returning in a rush.
“What if you hate it? Maybe you want to see if you’ll like it, first?” His voice sort of went up on the last couple of words. He glanced at the clock and mumbled something about REALLY wanting a beer.
“Yeah, I can do that.” I said. Then I dropped the subject, loaded up and ran off to court. I thought I had a case but it turns out, it is not until NEXT Monday. Like I said, we courthouse lawyers live and die by the docket and are mainly just monkeys with a law degree.
photo - a talented lady had a photo online with lots of very cute sockmonkeys which is where I got this.
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