"On the plains of Oklahoma, with a windshield sunset in your eyes like a watercolor painted sky, you'd think heavens doors have opened."
Fly Over States

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Girls in the Quilt Room

What a face that Pearl has.

She just loves fabric.

She has a good eye for fabric and likes to pick out some for her very own projects (which generally involve sneaking them out of the quilting room and taking them downstairs. She frequently abandons them on the stairs).

Evelyn doesn't steal fabric - she just likes to hang out with her mom.

And her sister.

She is so good with Pearl.

Evelyn is one happy dog.

Pearl is a busy puppy with a magnificent tail. I have mentioned that, yes?

It was a pretty slow day other than a few phone calls and trying to track down a parent who is MIA. I put together some moving boxes but didn't put anything in them.

Mainly, I just enjoyed my girls.

I could probably do this, all day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now that you mention it...she does have a nice tail...

