"On the plains of Oklahoma, with a windshield sunset in your eyes like a watercolor painted sky, you'd think heavens doors have opened."
Fly Over States

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Short Post Because I Actually DO have a Life

I have a new camera.

I'm figuring out how to work it.

Is she really that beautiful or have I just been blind?

When we looked at her, at least until Pearl arrived, what WE saw, was a puppy. Not this elegant girl.

Comic relief. Yeah this is a repeat but she is just so darn cute.

I have been meaning to mention that I regularly get comments from people who don't list their e-mail address. Some of them come back regularly. I just want you to know that I really appreciate what you have to say and that you drop by. I frequently answer e-mails when posters leave me an e-mail address and I really look forward to that. But even if I don't answer your post because you don't leave an e-mail address - thanks. If you ever start a blog, please make sure I know so I can see what your are up to and answer you back.


Suzanne Earley said...

Oh!!!! Look at that sweet pink tummy!!!

Anonymous said...

I've never been sure whether to comment or not - but I always read and think about what you wrote. Someday maybe I'll get a blog - but writing seems like so much work!
