I've been working on Jezebel's quilt and was bound and determined to get it assembled this weekend. "On Point" quilts tend to swarm on me and while I like the way sashing looks, I don't really like doing them because I get lost in where the cornerstones go. I've had MUCH better luck lining up the seams since I discovered glue stick.
Here are a couple of pictures of the Jezebel's quilt top before the border is put on it:

I only cried once this afternoon. Jezebel was always right there quilting with me unless Husband was mowing the lawn - in that event, she'd stand out waiting for him to trudge by and pet her. Then, she used to change positions so that she'd be waiting for another pet when he made his next turn. And so on. Oh, what a dog!
Evelyn didn't show up until after the top was nearly done but that's okay. Here she is:

Here are a few of the individual blocks:

Here are just a few pictures of my girl:

Here are a couple of fabrics I am auditioning for the border:

It has been a mellow day. I made lasagne and Husband made sausage balls and baked beans for his office's Christmas potluck. We've been beaming about the new puppies and just hanging out.
Then I looked out the window.
The across-the-street neighbors, who I really like, have erected an inflated Santa in their front yard that looks like it is tall enough to peer into their second story window. It is awful. They have darling white christmas lights all twinkling in their shrubbery but you can't see them because they are behind Inflated Santa's big butt.
So now, I have closed the blinds and am having a glass of red wine.

The quilt is beautiful. As is the furbaby. I'm going to have to limit hubby's time reading your blog. Driving thru town today we saw a lot of deflated characters. Each time, he made the remark that Penny must have been here. Then we're almost home and see the nativity one you mentioned. You're right...tacky!
The quilt is just lovely!!
I also hate those big inflatable thingies!! When people put more then one out in their yard it makes me cringe! Give me some nice white lights in front of the house any day. :)
I love the top - what are you going to quilt in the plain blocks?
Give Evelyn a scritch for me.
Evelyn has received her scritch.
I haven't decided how to quilt it. It is very similar to the Surf and Sand quilt and I kind of like the Kinda Mctavishing but I worry that will be too stiff. Wish I knew how to do dog paw prints!
My neighbor Tom has Sarg, a mastiff. He walks him late at night so he doesn't scare old ladies and kids.
He didn't realize our neighbor had erected a huge blowup snowman. It was happily playing music with snow dancing in it's belly when Sarg spotted it. Even with 2 choker collars he took off, dragging Tom through the snow on his belly and leaving Tom's boots somewhere behind.
He attacked Mr. Snowman and shook him to a flatten death. Tom didn't argue with Sarg when he decided it was going home with them. Tom says he's been dragging it around all day and no one called him to replace it. Thought this might make you smile :-)
My husband and I were driving around looking at Christmas lights last night after Christmas shopping. We found one house, in a starter subdivision, so it was a small house, on a smaller lot and they must have had 8 blow-up characters! One huge sleigh with reindeer was even into the nieghbor's yard. I had to laugh, and told my husband about your urge to shoot them all! I dont mind one blow up here or there, though I prefer colored lights with wreaths, but these places that go overboard look absurd. Guess that's the beauty of our country, we have the right to be absurd it we wish.
Ahh Penny it's beautiful, just love the blues and yallows together. I'm think the yellow one for the borders, but then I don't like using stripes on borders.
I'm not saying anything about the Santa...
Penny...don't have too many glasses of wine because you might just wander over to the neighbor's house with a rotary cutter in your hand and do away with Santa...lol
The quilt is gorgeous and I like the yellow, but the stripe would look pretty as well.
If you google "paw print" you'll find some nice black and white images. You could put a print north, south, east and west and then stipple or mctavish around them - the unquilted parts should stand out nicely. You might want to put something in the center, a star, hearts or something else.
Janet - what a fabulous idea!! I am pretty sure I follow your suggestion. I am not sure I have the skill to pull it off but I am certainly going to put that at the top of the list. I might have the paw prints meander around the top of the quilt.
Hmm... Possibiities!
Love Janet's ideas for the paw prints. I have often gone to the net for graphic images--sometimes I enter black and white graphic before the subject I want! I'm in favour of the yellow and blue stripe--gorgeous piece of fabric! Evelyn is, as always, a beautiful quilt modeller! BTW--my boss, the minister, has inflatables in his front yard--no taste, that's for sure!!
Lurking Linda
Awww, shucks, I'm glad I could help. Paw prints meandering would work, too. I'm sure Evelyn would be glad to demonstrate how to meander, too.
There is no doubt in my mind that you'll do a beautiful job.
That is one gorgeous quilt, Penny. As is the model, of course! I like the yellow for the border...it would help bring out the yellow in the stars. Just MHO.
I agree with you about those ugly inflated things; they define tacky! There's an "historic" neighborhood near me called Riverside, complete with it's own Preservation Society. Yet there is one house in the neighborhood that puts up DOZENS of those things for Christmas AND Halloween. I'm surprised they let him, to be honest. I'll try to get a pic to send you, so you can see all the wierdos aren't just in your neck of the woods... :)
Beautiful quilt. I'm not much on yellow but strictly because I can not wear it. I've made one blue and yellow quilt and it was gorgeous. I should try it again.
LOL What a laughable end to your post.
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