Here are the latest two blocks - the pattern is Maine out of Carol Doak's Fifty Paper Pieced Stars book:

It is a pretty easy block - most of the pieces are just strips.
And here are all the blocks, to date:

I've been calling this my Yellow and Blue Pairs project, but I suppose it will end up being called my Jezebel quilt. I've dropped quite a few tears on it but less on the sixth pair than the first. I am surprised the colors didn't run on the first couple of pairs.

Evelyn looks a bit pensive but actually, she has been in a pretty good mood.

Evelyn was been pretty upbeat and is starting to rearrange her habits so that she can stay a little closer. She still likes to hang out on "Evelyn's Landing" on the stairs. From there, she can see out the window and know when to bark at the neighborhood corgies - those short legged sons of b*tches (I've told you she has a potty mouth when she gets going). At the same time, she has made the effort to come stay close and cuddle more. She is doing much better than I would have dreamed just a week ago.

Look who has been singing, this morning!

We are still waiting to hear about furbabies from the breeder but Angel's litter isn't officially "due" until between December 10th and 12th. Crystal's litter is due immediately after that.
More when we know more.

It sounds like Evelyn's learning to take good care of you. I'm glad you're both doing better.
Belt it out there, Evelyn! Somewhere Jezebel is joining in!
That is going to be one pretty quilt. You do such a great job on paper piecing.
Evelyn looks wonderful. She has such a sweet face.
Love the blocks. I still don't feel comfortable putting fabrics together. It's good to see Evelyn singing. I'd say she's happy with what you've named the quilt.
What starts Evelyn singing? A certain sound she hears, or coaxing from you, or is it all just impromptu? She looks so cute all curled up on the new blocks! and the further you get in the process, the more tempted I am to try paper-piecing. They are just so pretty!
Evelyn has just got the best face!! She is beautiful!
one of our Grey's mother has just gone up for adoption. I want her terribly!! She has a wonderful face too! Technically...we really can't afford another one...but....I really want her! Husband says they will probably argue together! The funny thing is, the description of mom is very similar to the daughter that we already have. maybe it isn't a good idea!? Stay tuned...
Karol, go get Mama Grey!! How old is she?
I LOVE the 2 new blocks! Glad to hear Evelyn is doing so well, and helping you too. I love a lady with a salty vocabulary!
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