Mid to late December is traditionally a slow time of year in the guardian ad litem business, at least in custody and visitation cases (sadly, abuse and neglect cases are a different kettle of fish). Parents and the courts don't like to make big decisions on the eve of Christmas if they can do it a few weeks before or after. At the same time, if the decision could result in a change of schools, the holiday break is sometimes the best time to do it. Generally, we try to avoid it, however.
Knowing that you have a trial coming up two days after Christmas puts a real big damper on the festivities. No thinking person wants a child to associate Santa Claus with some horrible court proceeding that has his grandmother freaking out, his father punching walls or his mother weeping at the drop of a hat. While I can certainly appreciate why they want to get the trial over with, when I have a parent demanding a trial two days before Christmas, it gives me pause. Frequently, this is a parent who unrealistically thinks that once the gavel drops, all their troubles will be over and they will be able to move on with their life without their former significant other mucking up the works.
I wonder if some of these folks still actually believe in Santa.
I've gotten a number of new cases but they don't go back to court until next year so I've had time on my hands. Usually, in addition to going to court and putting out fires, I am actively working on cases scheduled to go to court in about two weeks. Christmas is in just about two weeks so I've got some down time, these days. I am glad I am able to spend extra time with Evelyn but at the same time, being around people would probably be good for me.
I find that my most productive time to quilt is from 4:30 to 6:30 in the afternoon. Go figure. I'm a morning person for everything else. I guess that is a time of the day before Husband is home but when I am winding down the work day. And the quilting really helps me to unwind. My latest pair of blue and yellow blocks (which I started and finished yesterday evening) are "Arizona" from Carol Doak's Fifty Paper Pieced Stars.

I recall now, why I didn't really enjoy this pattern. I like the way it looks and it turned out well on the Patriotic Quilt, but the pieces are sort of at an angle as you piece it and placing the fabric correctly on the seams is sometimes a bit counter intuitive. It kept me in a state of edginess and I was glad when I finished them. Here is another picture of it on the Patriotic Quilt - it is near the front of the first couple of pictures.
I am thrilled to report that Ms. Evelyn seems to be recovering. She has been engaged, relaxed and affectionate the past few days. I wish my husband and I were that far along. Evelyn is learning new routines and accepting the changes that have taken place. Her appetite is not what it was, before, but that might be because she used to have to scarf down her food or lose it to shamelessly ravenous Jezebel.

Yesterday, she stole some black thread. I am trying to remember to close my sewing room door. Not only is she a thief, the new baby is likely to ingest something awful (like pins) and we can't have that.
As I previously posted, we are hoping to get a little girl puppy from a breeder several hours from here who has two litters due in mid December. Angel's babies are due December 10 - 12, and Crystal's babies are due December 13 - 15. Of course, they could both come at the same time. Crystal is Angel's niece. We are very excited about the possibility of a new baby. They could end up with nothing but boys or the only girls could be show quality and we'd have to go back to square one on the search. Still, with two litters we are optimistic that we will get a baby.
I feel like I am paying a surrogate to carry my child. How sick is that? At least when you adopt a puppy, you don't have to worry about the birth parent demanding visitation. (Although custody of pets has become a hot issue in the divorce business. Perhaps that is post best written by a different kind of attorney).
Upon reflection, perhaps I am too emotionally unstable to be allowed to adopt a puppy. A surrogate mother? I am scaring myself. The breeder has been sweet as can be but probably is going to be sick of hearing from me in short order.
Here are my blue and yellow pairs, to date:

Off to finish off that cruddy tuna casserole. It is hogging space in the refrigerator and scaring Husband.

Animals, like children are remarkably resilient. They don't spend time fretting and worrying like we do. Makes you wonder who's more evolved, doesn't it? I'm glad to hear Evelyn is enjoying her new role in the household, and the pictures in my imagination of you and Evelyn racing through the house, jumping on the beds is hysterical. (Bear in mind, the only photo I've seen of you is in the red suit, from last summer I believe--that's the image in my head, jumping on the bed with a white fuzzy dog! A new twist on Santa!)
The blocks are beautiful, Penny. The colors are very soothing.
I think someone breeds a certain type of dog for the full love of the breed. To have someone want a puppy of theirs must make them feel secure in the knowledge that the puppy will go to a wonderful and caring home. Alls they have to do is read your blog to know that you are a dog lover not a crazy person. :)Any puppy you adopt will have hit the mother load with you!! All the love you have to give.......I cannot imagine a puppy or a breeder wanting anything else. :)
The blocks are beautiful and it's wonderful news about the puppy! Every day hurts a little bit less.
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