I finished up my winter table topper. It is pretty ho hum but I'm glad I did it.

I tried to make the quilting look like the wind swirls in the fabric with limited success.

I ended up just machine stitching down the binding.
I thought that quilting it on the frame might be tricky because of the shape but it was no problem.

This and that about Jezebel:
Her muzzle continues to fill in. She is even getting some whiskers back. We had a wasp inside, earlier, and she had a ball chasing it. Her right eye is weeping a bit - the same one that watered just before we discovered the melanoma. Makes me nervous but she isn't sneezing and snorting so she probably just has a cold.

Due to the time change, I was up at about 5:00 this morning. I also just ate a bunch of tomato dumplings - my favorite comfort food. It always knocks me out. I am sleepy so I'm going to go take a nap.

I think the table topper is very cute!!! Okay...what are tomato dumplings! They sound yummy whatever they are.
i think it's pretty, penny. reminds me a bit of that blue and white china...i especially love the shape.
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