Halloween was a success. It is the girls' favorite day of the year. Evelyn adores all the children and they adore her. Jezebel shrieks at the candy bowl.
We have been in the process of selling a house in Oklahoma City that my husband has owned for about 25 years. Last week, someone broke into that house and stole all the glass doorknobs. I was so mad I could spit. Yesterday, we closed on it. It is a nice little house and I hope the new owners are happy there. I 'spect they will be.
Got a chipper message from the doctor's office. They didn't tell why they wanted to talk to me but insisted I call them before I go get my X-rays on Monday. Either the new lab work came back looking better or the lady leaving the message is a real sicko.
Yesterday, I had a difficult time maintaining my professionalism. One of my GAL kids is 13 and has a 22 year old boyfriend. Yeah, I know. If I knew his name, I would go whip his ass, myself. I DO know his initials, however. And how do I know them? I know them because the child's mother took her down to the local tattoo parlor for her 14th birthday (early) and they tattooed his initials on her left breast, partially encircling the nipple. The initials are 2 inches high (spread your fingers and see how big that is). I kid you not. She was embarrassed to show it to me and I assured her I only wanted to see the tattoo - no one wanted to see anything of her other business. She insisted that she had them put it low enough that it wouldn't show above her shirt. I suppose that is something. On the other hand, I have see the low cut blouses she wears and have my doubts that anything will remain hidden from view. I told her to start saving, now, to have it removed. Poor thing. I just wanted to shake her but it is not her fault. I am absolutely furious with that woman who gave birth to her. Criminy.
I told her flat out that if one of my own kids did such a thing, they'd be shaken - and it doesn't matter that they are full grown. "So little Missy," I said, "you just consider yourself to be shaken!"
"Like I was one of your own kids?" she asked with a trembling voice.
"You bet." I told her.
Anyway, this morning I got up at about 5:00 and started on a winter table topper. I made a simple design on my EQ5 using courthouse steps blocks.

I ended up going with slightly different colors.

I added a lighter border and will probably put a dark binding on it. Alternatively, I am considering just binding it with the light fabric because I have a lot of pieces left over and it would be nice for them to not go to waste. Still thinking about it. Beauty vs. utility...

I need to baste some fabric on it to make it square, then I'll toss it up on the frame. I think a swirly quilting pattern will be fast and work pretty well.
Look at these toes!

What a pretty table topper. Wish I was as productive as you. I'm better at starting things than I am at finishing them. But nothing's as pretty as those pooches.
Why does Jezebel shriek at the candy bowl???
Jezebel shrieks at the candy bowl hoping to wear us down enough that we give her some candy. While Evelyn is smooching on the treat or treaters, Jezebel is trying to figure out how she can get their candy. The difference between a pup and an older dog, I suspect!
And Paula, thanks - yes, they are pretty girls and so soft you wouldn't believe it.
Jezebel's a girl after my own heart!
I just want to hug and hug on Evelyn and Jezebel! How funny about the candy!
My 18 yr old DD wants a tattoo. I keep trying to talk her out of it, but the reality is, she IS 18 and can have it done without my signature. She said she would place it on a shoulder blade, where it wouldn't be seen by a prospective employer. I just don't get the tattoo thing.
I want to know how you find the time to get so much done!!!
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