Here is one article.
And another that reports this is more an urban legend but can still result in the doctor making decisions to forgo an epidural in an abundance of caution.
Here is a third one on the subject.
So.. I guess my sweet daughter-in-law better think about learning Lamaze if she ever does her duty to this old frustrated grandma-in-waiting. And to my girls - I don't care if you are grown - NO TATS ON YOUR LOWER BACK!!
I, on the other hand, am past child bearing age and can get a big ole dragon or something if I want to. Of course, Husband would have me put away.

I clicked on and read all three of your links you listed...
and form that first one -
"[i]Nearly one-quarter of Americans 18 to 50 have tattoos, and 20% of those women are tattoos on their lower back.[/i]"
WOW 1 our of 4 women have a tat??? I did not realize that. It's also the same percentage as abortions - 1 in 4 babies dies from abortion... wow. But that' a whole nother topic...
I was also astonished at the statistics but then again, the vast majority of my GAL kids' families sport tats. I am probably not as shocked as you. There is a definite difference depending on age and locale. Even our probation officers frequently have tattoos in this area. I see more tattoos on professional women than professional men.
To be honest, I am not a fan. I think they look pretty low class unless they are on my DIL and, of course, she makes me want to go out and get one for myself (love you dear!! :)). I know the nice, respectable women who get them just love them - they thnk they are adorable. To me, they are like putting up distinctive wallpaper. In a few years you think - what was I thinking? Easier to remove wallpaper than skin. I guess if you can't see it on yourself (like on your shoulder or back), it is out of sight, out of mind. There is clearly a draw for some. The ones that bother me are the small ones that aren't particularly pretty or interesting - it is like they just got a tattoo to get one. Having a question mark on your ankle, for example, seems dumb. But that is just me.
Don't have one. Don't want one. My son wanted one...I told him not as long as I "owned him." In other words, as long as he held his hand out wanting $$$$. After he was on his own, the first one he got was in memory of his dad who died when my son was 12. I told him that not only did I not want to see it, that I also forbade him from getting one in my memory when I die. He's had two very close friends to die and has a tat in memory of each of them. Shrug...Just not my thing!
Hmm. Seems I am in the minority here. I don't like a bunch of tatoos, or really large ones, and I don't like them in prominent places.
But I have toyed with the idea of getting one myself; the problem is, I'm afraid of needles (I'm a wuss that way) and afraid of contracting hepatitis.
Once I let it slip that I was considering one, my (then) 18-yr-old daughter saw that as an opportunity to go get one for herself. She chose an empty puzzle piece on her left chest, low enough not to be seen unless she's wearing something with spaghetti straps.
This year, for her 30th birthday, she decided to get another one, and she researched it diligently. It's mid-back, between her shoulder blades and two colors this time. It's a tree of life, with different Amish-like symbols in various places.
And since this is what she really wanted for her birthday, her dad and I contributed $$ towards it. It's not what I'd want for a birthday present, but if that's what she wants, okey-dokey.
Since she's an attorney, she deliberately kept it out of sight when in professional dress, but if she were in a swimsuit, you could see it.
It really is a fascinating tatoo.
i luv lower back tattoos a lot
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