"On the plains of Oklahoma, with a windshield sunset in your eyes like a watercolor painted sky, you'd think heavens doors have opened."
Fly Over States

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Home is Where the Heart Is

We've spent the day getting rested up from the drive back from Oklahoma. Notwithstanding the awful news about Jezebel, the rest of the trip was absolute bliss. We had gutters installed, visited with family, had the pasture brush hogged, new fences were installed, new dryer vent and flashing, we bought a refrigerator, ate at Sonic and Braums (local establishments for the unfortunate non Oklahomans reading this). We also ate at the landmark Cattleman's Steakhouse down at the stockyards.

Here is a picture before brush hogging:

The morning following our arrival I was still on East Coast time which means I was up before the sun. I saw an incredible lightning storm that rated an "A" even by Oklahoma standards.

The weather, for the most part, was hot, dry and perfect. Check out this blue sky!

Lots of new and exciting bugs for the girls but not the biting variety. I forgot that I rarely need bug spray in central Oklahoma. Fabulous sunsets, inspiring sunrises. I stood out in the dark on several nights just soaking up the sounds and the smells and looking at the stars. A front blew in one morning and watching the dark clouds roll by was cheap entertainment. These pictures were taken after the brush hogging.

We reconnected with family and old friends, several of whom offered jobs if we would just return home. Makes you feel welcome. For that matter, the brush hogger AND the roofer invited us out to their respective homes to meet their wives and see their properties - which only illustrates how friendly the people in Oklahoma can be. And they did great work, too!

We were amazed at the cheap grocery prices (after 8 - 10 years, you forget) and visited the local feed store three minutes from the house. We bought Jezebel a new collar (after hearing the bad news) in hopes that she will be able to get good use out of it, regardless.

Husband's family graciously let us bring the girls with us whenever we visited so we didn't have to leave them, too much. Especially after hearing the news about Jezebel, we didn't want to leave her.
Here is Evelyn:

Neither of us slept too well. Check out the futon - see that lump in the center? It is a lot less comfortable than it looks... I felt like I was sleeping on a railroad track.

On the plus side, Husband's arthritis dissipated. He was moving like a kid, again.

On Friday, we loaded up and headed back to the East Coast. We were on the road for two more days but the girls were troopers. Well, Jezebel was. Evelyn does not like to "eliminate" at the end of a leash. She is a free range dog!!!

Tomorrow, we take Jezebel to the oncologist. Please keep good thoughts in mind for her. She is such a good girl.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the report. The last time I was in Oklahoma was after my father died in 1986. I grew up on the East Coast, but after that trip I wondered how different my life would have been had I been raised in Oklahoma, near a very large and loving family.


Nancy said...

Welcome back to blog-land Penny. I'm glad you enjoyed your trip home to OK. I am really sorry to hear of Jesebel's illness, and will pray for all of you. Glad she is feeling good at this point. Enjoy her companionship, none of us have any guarantees in this world. It's a shame our furry children live such relatively short lives, but maybe that's what makes them so precious.

Stephanie D said...

Love the pictures--especially of the skies. It must have felt really good to be back there.

Hope the oncology appointment goes well tomorrow. Scratch Miss Jezebel's tummy for us. And Tandi send her a good sniff or two and an underbite grin of encouragement.