"On the plains of Oklahoma, with a windshield sunset in your eyes like a watercolor painted sky, you'd think heavens doors have opened."
Fly Over States

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Pets in the Sewing Room

We have two fifty pound samoyeds who, like most of their breed, are sociable and like to cuddle. Jezebel will eat whatever is in front of her nose. She guzzles down anything from lettuce to chunks of hair (their hair is spinnable). Evelyn likes to move things but is not particularly destructive.
I'm working on a quilting project and yesterday I carefully cut out some fabric pieces and set them in a small plastic container so they'll be available when I get a few minutes. I stumbled downstairs this morning for a badly needed cup of coffee and discovered the container, sans lid, with the fabric pieces still nestled inside, intact and ready to go. Evelyn had managed to get it from off my sewing work station, across the room, down the hall, down the stairs, through the downstairs part of the house and set it by the fireplace. And she needed to go outside to pee at the same time. What a talent!

photo - Evelyn


SandyQuilts said...

Personally I think she's telling you she wants to quilt. I bet she has great color value sense. Pets are the greatest.

Lady Beekeeper said...

I should get her her own Jenome Gem. I think it is time to put the rotary cutters up a little highter, though.