I received a request to have the above photo featured on a website about kissing. Best Kisses says they would like to post the picture on Monday, September 14, 2009.
It has been a very mellow Sunday. I've been puttering around trying to decide what I need to do to prepare to move back home. I can't decide if I need to clean the walls and woodwork and apply a fresh coat of touch up paint, or just leave it and have someone come in and repaint most of the interior.
Husband and I are working on a new batch of beer - a German Ale - that is a little heavier than the last batch. It has been a little more rambunctious than the last batch and we had to keep a very close eye on it while we boiled the malt. It kept threatening to overflow and we had to remove it from the heat a couple of times. The last batch was fairly docile in comparison. It took about 18 hours for the yeast in this batch to start peculating and we were a little concerned. At this point, however, it is actively working its magic and we have hopes that we will end up with a good product. To tide us over, we have reservations with our favorite German restaurant for next weekend. They always close down their restaurant to go to Germany over the Labor Day weekend to buy Octoberfest beer and it has always been spectacular. We have been doing internet searches to find a German restaurant back in the Oklahoma City area to take its place.
We have an American flag that we fly in the front yard and I am ashamed to say that although we buy top of the line flags, we allowed the last one to get faded. I started pestering husband to replace it and he did, this morning. Look at that gorgeous sky and how proud she flies!
Maybe it is because I am a quilter but I think the bold colors in our American flag are impressive.
I did next to no quilting this weekend. All I managed to get to was one piddling Sylvia block - the Ohio Star:
It was super easy and here are all the ones I've done, to date.
They are talking about doing a stitch along for the Sylvia blocks on the HGTV message board after the first of the year. I am sure I will still be working on this one. I also discovered a website devoted to Sylvia's Bridal Sampler that has some nice examples in the gallery.
I am rapidly closing out my practice. Take a look at this:
That is ALL my open files!! Not that long ago, I had a full file cabinet with four drawers of open cases.
We went to Home Depot to buy straw, lime and grass seed, this morning, and ate lunch at Ruby Tuesdays. It was a gentle day and this afternoon I lazed around and read some from my latest fantasy series - Black Powder War - which is a novel about dragons around the turn of the 19th century.

We enjoyed an adult beverage on the deck as the sun set and toasted the last of summer. Like most married couples, the conversation wandered here and there, touching on things that impact our lives, our hopes for the future, our thoughts about the ones we love, work, and in our case - of course - the dogs. Husband has been called for jury duty at one of the jurisdictions where I practice. I wonder if we will still be here when he is actually called. Or, if called, if they would let him remain since I work there and know most of the attorneys and judges. On another topic, we are considering fostering rescued samoyeds when we get back home to Oklahoma - there is plenty of room to put in a kennel and have an extra dog from time to time.
It is cool, here, and a beautiful day.
Hope you are having a nice end of summer/beginning of fall weekend.
1 comment:
Just wanted to say "hi" on this Monday morning and tell you how much I am loving seeing all the pictures of the girls.
Showed Husband your 'Roadkill' series and we both had a good laugh at all the images - Ollie used to lay out his toys like that but he was trying to find out which one WE wanted to play with. Husband then asked "how big is a Samoyed", the translation of which is "those are beautiful dogs with character and personality and I could be tempted when the pain of losing Ollie has gone away".
I explained they were WHITE and MUD MAGNETS and would take even more grooming than a Bearded Collie {giggle}.
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