The paperwork allowing us to go back home has been signed by two people and is off to a third (and hopefully last). Keep your fingers crossed.
I've forged ahead on the moving countdown:
1. Doctor's appointments so I won't have to immediately find a new doctor: check
2. Switch the online billing from the bank account I intend to close when we move: check
3. Get the car serviced in preparation for a cross country trip: check
4. Pay all the estimated taxes for 2009: check
5. Transfer extra funds from the business checking account: check
6. Back up all the files I want to take with me to Oklahoma and/or need to close law practice: check
7. Catch up on all my billing: check
Once we get the official paperwork:
A. Get realtor
B. Rent dumpster
C. Research moving companies
D. Resign from this state bar
E. Close business accounts
F. Close business PO Box and forward mail
G. Get copies of veterinary files
H. Pack
I. Pack
J. Pack
K. Garage Sale
L. Compile address lists of people I don't want to lose track of
M. Turn off business phone
But enough of that.
I think I have mentioned that I previously started a Sylvia's Bridal Sampler using civil war fabrics. That was a couple of years ago when they had the patterns on the internet. I did a number of the blocks (18) but the scale was off on my printer and I didn't bother to square them because I was young and foolish and assumed that squaring was optional. Most of them ended up being 5.5 inches (unfinished) but some are as large as 6.75 inches, and a couple are only five inches.
When I started the Brights Sylvia project, I tossed the mismatched civil war Sylvia's into my scrap file and kept running across them while searching for fabric. Yesterday, I got to thinking that I could use the blocks rather than just stash them. I thought to myself - "Self, why not use the blocks as the center of a star block?" Like these:
I'd end up with about a 15 inch block, which isn't my favorite size, but at least the blocks could be used for a quilt.
Here are all the Civil War Sylvias:
I grabbed some fabric from my scraps to add borders:
I just used strips from my scrap pile - the above picture is before I squared them up to 7.5 inches, each.
Here they are all squared up.
My hope is to use these as the center for larger blocks but not today - I am calling it a night.
I'm really excited about your move because you miss Oklahoma so, but I hope you don't forget to keep up your blog...I would miss you, your stories and your lovely dogs.
I have everything crossed for you that you get that 3rd signature quickly!
Love those lists!!!
Great idea to use the civil war SBS blocks.
I hope you keep your blog going too. :)
Fingers are crossed and prayers being said...
Oh lordy, I so remember all The Lists when we relocated {giggle}.
Very glad you can use the civil war blocks, there is so much work in them it would be a shame if they just lived in a box.
PS: Add to TOP of Oklahoma list - "find best vet in the area"
I love your Sylvia's. I have it on my to do list. As always...maybe next year! Good luck with your move.
You've got to pay attention when self speaks...she often knows best. Glad the move is coming closer.
Wow, big to do list...but oh how exciting for you to be back in God's
Can't wait to meet you in person Penny. Great way to showcase those pretty SBS blocks.
I agree with the person above who said to find a good vet. I am so choosy about the vet that cares for my pets. I hope you get that 3rd signature and ams also glad you were able to use those blocks.
Fingers Crossed!
Love the blocks too!
We've already lined up a vet. When Jezebel got sick, that was one of the first things we thought of even though at the time, we weren't planning to come back so soon. OSU has a veterinary hospital about an hour or so away for special stuff, and there is supposed to be a dynamite twenty-four hour veterinary ER not 15 minutes from the house (and less in the middle of the night).
Good advice!
What does "The paperwork allowing us to go back home has been signed by two people" mean? Does it have to do with your work?
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