We're back from Oklahoma after two long days in the car. Yikes! Pearl won't lay down and sits up for the first 10 hours, each day. We can convince her to lie down periodically after that. The good news is that we had no problem getting her to sleep in the motel room. Evelyn snoozes the whole way and clearly thinks traveling is wonderful.
We got back in time for the neighborhood fireworks show, last night. After unloading, eating and taking a quick nap, we took the girls out front on their leashes and settled into lawn chairs in the driveway. At the first fireworks explosion, Pearl FREAKED OUT and raced to the backdoor with her tail so far between her legs it tickled her chin. She dragged me, literally, with her. She was in a complete panic the rest of the night. Seriously, I think her eyes were spinning. After the initial alarm at Pearl's response, calm Evelyn proceeded to doze. She set an excellent example that was pretty much lost on baby sister. Needless to say (although I have learned that you really have to say such things), we abandoned the notion of watching the show. Instead, we settled on the couch, soothed the puppy and watched COPS.
The house was in order when we returned and our tomato plants may be the best ones, yet. We must have gotten just the right of rain and sun while we were gone. Speaking of sun, it is COLD compared to Oklahoma. It stayed in the 70's, today. Husband was back in jeans instead of shorts. Those of you from the sun belt can understand that the notion of it being too cool for shorts after the Fourth of July is mind boggling.
Just before we left Oklahoma, husband planted a couple of Willow Oaks he raised from volunteers back east. We have little to no hope that they will survive since there isn't anyone there to regularly water them and we are in the heart of the summer. All the same, in the few days that they had in the Oklahoma heat, they seemed to love it - just like they were baby spiders. I need to check the Oklahoma forecast to see if they might get some rain. I'd be so happy if one or both of them survived. I love Willow Oaks and they would remind me of our time back east. We have two growing here that Husband raised and they are doing beautifully. Their mama is breathtaking.
This morning, I checked my work e-mail in anticipation of heading back to work. I had to laugh, even though it isn't funny. I'd received an e-mail from the therapist assigned to conduct family therapy in one of my most challenging cases. She is a seasoned therapist and one for whom I've abundant respect. She has been around forever and I am always happy to see my families go to her.
The reason for the e-mail, which was sent to all the parties in a custody/visitation case, was to confess that she had become so aggravated with the parties that she shouted at them at a session and nearly dropped the F bomb. The e-mail was not intended to entertain. She was contrite and embarrassed.
Yes, I know it is not funny but I laughed out loud!
Earlier today, Husband and I went out to eat to celebrate our anniversary (it is the Fourth of July) and then went to the grocery store. We're just crazy, that way. When I got home, I spent some time selecting fabric for a baby quilt and cutting out most of the pieces. Maybe I will be able to work on it tomorrow afternoon although since I was gone so long, I likely will be returning phone calls and the like. My phone messages remain unchecked. I'm afraid of what I'll hear...
I'm trying to catch up on message boards, paying bills, etc., etc. Hopefully, I will have some pictures of the baby quilt, soon.
1 comment:
I'm glad you made it back east safe and sound, and hope you get home to Oklahoma soon. I'm also glad you leashed the girls Saturday night - a friend lost her black lab one year on the Fourth. The poor dog bolted and was never seen again.
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