So, in anticipation of our cross country trip that begins in the morning, I bathed the girls.
Evelyn, as always, was an angel. Pearl, not so much.
They certainly like being bathed in the tub with warm water better than out on the back deck with water from a hose.
Pearl acted like a fish on a line, then had the audacity to immediately roll on the dirty backdoor mat and had to be bathed, again.
But isn't she a sweetie? She is turning into a very pretty girl, I think.
Look at that curly coat!
Evelyn is doing so well. She is turning positively smoochy. And her appetite seems to be steadily coming back. As recently as the middle of May, husband pronounced her as emotionally damaged. I agreed. However, I haven't seen anything, recently, to suggest that she is anything but a happy, sweet dog.
She is going to LOVE the road trip. You know how dogs are. We plan to stop the first night just west of Nashville and get home to Oklahoma City by late Monday afternoon. Today, we'll finish mowing, packing, blah, blah, blah then go out to eat heavy Mexican food. Yup, that is part of the plan. We'll eat, go into a food coma that will knock us out for a three hour nap, and we'll be rested when it comes time to pull out at about 4:00 in the morning.
I'll post when I can but we don't have internet access at the Oklahoma house so no promises. Looking forward to the long hiatus to reset my defaults. Get out and enjoy summer!
Safe travels! Have a wonderful time. Hugs to the "kids".
I didn't read your post until you were well on the road. Have a wonderful vacation, and if you don't head back east, be sure you get internet access in OK soon! By the way, the girls look beautiful!
Have a safe and fun trip. I've made that trip by car twice in the 80's and it's tiring but gorgeous!
Have a wonderful trip Penny and family!
Enjoy the "food coma"! lol!
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