A cold front came through, yesterday, giving us about .15 inches of rain. The daily high plummeted to 96 and I had to bundle up this morning on the back patio because it was so chilly.
I like to watch the girls play when the sun rises because I can see the light catch their feathers and they look like they glow.
Long years ago I used to do a bit of bird watching and have a pretty decent collection of bird guides. I remembered to bring them, this trip, and have had fun identifying the birds from this part of town. When my kids were little, I would refer to lists of local birds and there were a few birds that I despaired of ever seeing. I guess I just needed to move about 5 miles to the west because here they are! I even saw a Belted Kingfisher, yesterday. Never saw one, before, but I recognized him, immediately. We have a ton of birds at the house that didn’t frequent my old Oklahoma home – Lark Sparrows, Brown Thrashers, blue birds, Brown Wrens, Meadowlarks, Catbirds, Brown Headed Cow Birds, etc. There are a lot of birds I see that are common to all my Oklahoma houses but it is fun to see new ones.
I didn’t bring my sewing stuff, this time, because I didn’t use any, last time. I kind of wish I had brought my stuff because the circumstances are different. For one, we have a table and lamps so I could actually sew. For another, we’ve had more down time, this trip, and it has been longer. Going to the Central Oklahoma Quilt Show also was inspiring. Here is one quilt that won recognition:
We’ve had such a wonderful trip. We’ll have to head back east on Friday and I am trying to avoid thinking about it. We still have a lot of people left to see and chores to do. I need to get back to the house so we can take the car up to look at grout samples. Very exciting, to be sure.
Those girls DO glow! Great photo.
Can't get over the size of Pearls' head in comparison to Evelyn's. Growing too fast.
Enjoy what's left of your vacation and safe trip home.
During some downtime, go to see Sandra Bulloch in The Proposal. There is a pup that looks like baby Pearl. So cute and also a good chick flick.
What a gorgeous pink glow on their fur! Good timing!
Sounds as if you've had a wonderful time. I hope you come back totally rejuvenated and able to finish out your last few months as a GAL.
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