Husband got me a Mother's Day present - a surprise - that came in several days after the holiday. And let me stress, it was a surprise. A welcome one, to be sure, but... a surprise.
Here it is:

Yes, it is a lovely knife. A"case!"

But there is more. It is a Mother's Day knife!

Check out this inscription:

That man is so cute I can't stand it.

Evelyn was due her annual checkup and shots so we took her in, today.

She did great. I was so proud of her. She weighs the same as she did in February, i.e., 55 pounds. We had planned to get a full blood workup on her because she has been so depressed but her demeanor has been so upbeat, lately, that the vet didn't think she needed it. Every thing looked great, no heartworms, lyme disease, etc. The pawty, last week, was clearly something she enjoyed. She has been beaming all week.

We weighed "little" Pearl and she is up to 38.7 pounds!

The vet thought she looked splendid.

We'll be heading to Oklahoma in the middle of June for a three week vacation. Can't wait. The week after we get back, we'll take Pearl in to be spayed. If we weren't taking the trip, I'd take her in sooner but she should be fine.
I hope you are having a wonderful, restful and contemplative Memorial Day. My mother-in-law always took flowers to the cemetery on Memorial Day and I hope to take up that tradition when we move back home. Thanks to those who gave all for the rest of us. We need to always remember their sacrifice and the broken hearts of the ones who loved them.
Girls are beautiful. Don't they just fill your heart with joy? I know mine do.
Where in OK are you going and what route do you take? Just curious how close to DFW you will get.
Love the new knife! My sister and I both love knives...must be because of working in the Western Auto when we were teenagers and we had a terrific display of them.
My Dad also loved knives and in fact after he died I brought most of his home with me.
Cool knife! I used to carry one my mom gave me but sadly, I've lost it long ago.
Evelyn is gorgeous and Pearl is turning into a real beauty!!
I'm so glad you're getting her spayed :)
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