Look at this gorgeous spring bouquet my kids sent me for my birthday!
All that color sure was a nice reprieve from all the mud.

Here's me.

After the bath, I took the girls into my bathroom to try to get them dry. All they did was wrestle. You can see Evelyn's pink skin under her wet white coat.

Yup - it's gorgeous!

So I took lots of pictures.

Happy Birthday Penny!! The flowers are lovely.
Pearl looks like a little lamb all wet.
Happy Happy Birthday Penny!
Happy Birthday, Penny! And many, many more!
Love that vase! The flowers, too, of course, but the vase is right up my alley!
Happy Birthday Penny!
I'm with Stephanie...love the flowers, but that vase...oh my it's beautiful! Pearl will grow into those ears, won't she? lol
Happy Birthday Penny!! Looks like you had a great day. And your flowers from the kids and your roses are wonderful. Makes me feel like spring might be coming.
Pearl is really growing and I am so glad her and Evelyn get along so well.
Beautiful flowers. It's nice to "see" you, even if the flash is hiding your face!
Happy Belated birthday Penny!! The flowers are beautiful!
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