Jezebel's Quilt is down off the frame.

I have not made any real attempt to clean it up in preparation for binding but I was getting stressed because I was afraid I would have to spend many, many hours ripping and restitching. As long as it was up on the frame, I believed I would be in a state of paralysis so I took it down to be able to see the big picture. While it is certainly not show quality, I can live with it. I feel a huge sense of relief to be able to move on to the next project or the next step of this one!
I am really happy with how the paw prints turned out.

Evelyn has been a complete love.

As soon as I laid it out on the bed, as has become her custom, she leaped on top and threw back her head to arroooooooo, unprompted!

She looked like she was playing queen of the mountain.
She flopped down several places and wanted her belly rubbed.

Jezebel always jumped up on the bed in the wee hours of the morning to be loved on. It really cut into my sleep time but she was just so darn sweet that I let her do it. Evelyn has never been so inclined. I think in big part that is because Jezebel was always there. Another is that husband keeps his electric blanket up to Seven unless it is wintertime and then it goes up to ten. It is like sleeping in an Indian sweat lodge on his side of the bed. He has been out of town however and this morning, at 5:00, Evelyn surprised me by jumping up and snuggling. I was delighted.

She has also taken to coming up and tapping me, gently, with her muzzle to get my attention when I am doing something and not paying attention to her. She has been such a love hound, recently, that it has impacted trying to get other things done. I am not complaining. I am one of those people who thrives on affection and I'd take it from a turtle if that was all that was available.
The back of the Jezebel's Quilt is not especially pretty but I haven't cleaned it up, yet.

It is not nearly as bad as I was afraid it would be and I think that once the threads are cleaned up and it is washed, it will look nice.
The breeder tells me that the puppies are really coming along. I am so looking forward to bringing a little girl home even though it is as much work as a human baby. Evelyn will be so happy to have a chum, again.
I can't decide if my next big project will be finishing one of my kids' wedding quilt tops or starting a new quilt with oranges, pinks and reds. Historically, I have hated orange so I don't know who I'm channeling, these days. I will probably try to get the Amish Nine Patch up on the frame today or tomorrow.
Jezebel's quilt is beautiful! For all the grief it gave you, it has turned out wonderfully well. Evelyn certainly is enjoying singing! Does this mean spring is coming? We're finally getting a few days around zero here and it makes me want spring, even though I know there's at least 2 months of winter to go! Have a happy!
Lurking Linda
The quilt turned out fantastic Penny!!! Love the quilting you did, I think it looks terrific! paw prints added a wonderful touch to a really lovely quilt.
Great job! you should be ever so proud!
I think Jezebels quilt is spectacular. I think the paw print came really well. And Evelyn knows quality when she sees it. Just think Evelyn pretty soon you will have a new play mate.
Jezebel's quilt if wonderful, and a fantasatic commemoration of her life and meaning to you. The paw prints are perfect and it's obvious Evelyn loves it too.
I love Jezebel's quilt! The paw print quilting was a brilliant idea. Looks like Evelyn really likes the quilt too!
SOoooo cute! It's a georgous quilt and the paw prints make it so special. The pictures are great.
Gorgeous, it turned out gorgeous. Love it, especially the paw prints. What does chanelling mean?
As always, Penny, your work is just gorgeous! I love the paw prints, and obviously, so does Evelyn. How could you resist such a warm invite as hers? I'd never get anything done with her around (not that it would be so different than normal...just more enjoyable)!
THe quilt is gorgeous and I think the paw prints turned out beautifully! Nice memorial. I wonder if it has any Jezebel scent on it? Of course, now it has Evelyn perfume, so the new pup will know who is the boss of that bed and that quilt! I love that Evelyn has stepped up to the plate and become so affectionate. Do you think she'll be jealous of the new gal?
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