This is what I came home to, today:

Good lord have mercy. She got past me at the door and raced to her favorite place on the landing. By the time I caught her and held her down to try to wipe up some of the damage, there were muddy paw prints everywhere, including on a suit that needs to be dry cleaned.

It looked like a gruesome crime scene.

She was not ashamed.

So I hauled her into the hall bathroom and climbed into the tub with her. I'd show you pictures but, trust me, you don't want to see them. I'm going to have to take a shower because I'm certain I have sand where it doesn't need to be.
Notwithstanding the fact that she was an Imp of Satan by digging in the mud, I have to report that she was an angel in the tub. That sounds like a country and western song, doesn't? "She was a devil in the mud but an angel in the tub!!"
But I digress.
If you tried to bathe Jezebel, it would be one long battle trying to keep her confined. She'd try to slink out and you could tell that she honestly thought that if she just moved quickly, you wouldn't notice she was making her escape. She was like a hairy snake. Baths with Jezebel were a long, somewhat smelly embrace that typically included her trying to crawl behind the toilet while you tried to hold her in the tub. Jezebel hated baths. I wasn't too fond of bathing her, either.
Evelyn, bless her heart, sits pretty and doesn't fight you. She let's you wash all the nooks and crannies, hands you her paws, sits sweetly while the water drains and gets refilled, and doesn't even shake out the water that much. She'll even give you kisses. Jezebel would also give you kisses but you could tell it was just something she did to try to keep you from knowing what she was REALLY thinking!
When we finished up, Evelyn grudgingly let me blow dry her and then lay down to clean her feet and make sure she was tidy.

I guess I will be shampooing carpet a little bit this evening.
I bought myself Photoshop Elements 7, today. I am going to give it to Evelyn to give to me for Christmas. I'd give it to husband to give to me, but he is already buying me a puppy.
Off to scrub the rug.
Just like a kid, isn't it? How funny. Hope you enjoyed your bath--and it sounds like you did. Even carpet cleaning won't be too terrible, will it?
Lurking Linda
OMG, Evelyn is sooooo dirty! I can just imagine the brushing she'll need tomorrow.
My Griz is like Jezebel. He naturally knows, being a nordic dog, that getting wet will make him freeze, so water is not something he likes at all. The only way to keep him in the tub is to show him his treat will be a Mary Jane candy..which he loves.
I hope she stays out of the mud tomorrow!
I'm glad my Great Pyranese stays outside, because he likes to roll in the red dirt. I can't imagine trying to bathe him. And yes, those were some good pictures of Evelyn. Loved the one with her looking out the window.
I had a Boston Terrier that was a terror in the tub. She let me know in no uncertain terms that I was killing her. Drying was a hit and run - running all through the house.
Thought you would love to know that the southern part of your favorite state and the northern part of my favorite state is an ice bowl today. Sure you want to come back. Snow I can deal with but ice is awful. I chose to work at home today (I live in the southern part of the Metroplex).
I would love to see the puppies. What happened to the webstreaming?
So how'd she manage to keep her face so clean? lol
Oh dear - at least her adventure did not involve dead fish or a skunk! My dog used to TEAR through the house after a bath - as fast as she could and then put her face and shoulders against the carpet and keep running - it was very funny.
Oh dear, I'm sure glad I don't have to deal with that for a while. Riley and Sonny are angels for the bath, but Sonny hates having his head blown dry. Let me know how you like Photoshop Elements.
a dirty devil for sure. fudge has a bath routine lately...she's deals with lots of skin issues so a bath is a must. in the country it's outside, so not too bad. in town i do it in the downstairs shower. not a pretty site and no love for at least a day. when hubby does it she won't even look at him. i get a good sneer.
I have pictures of my daughters looking very similar to Evelyn...lol...they weren't ashamed either!
Aw sweetie, at least your yard isn't made of red clay... your poor doggie would be ORANGE. :)
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