One of the first MSP cases I had, a number of years ago, resulted in custody being taken from the mother who was harming them. No criminal charges were brought against her and she got off scot free. The surviving children were given over to their natural father and his new wife. I just learned, today, that those children are back in the care of the state (not this state - they'd relocated). Turns out, the father starved them. The 13 year old weighed 46 pounds when they were brought back into care.
I want to punch something.
Several days ago I also posted about my friend whose son is battling brain cancer (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma). He completed radiation earlier this year and is about to begin chemotherapy. His parents took their boys in for their first formal portrait, ever. The photographer was kind enough to make a gift of the photos to the family and posted a few of them on her site. She also wrote a little about Caleb's condition.
The photos are just lovely and I encourage you to take a gander at that beautiful family. If you are so moved, please remember their story to your friends and family just in case they feel moved to help support research to fight this monster. Also take a look at the other lovely photos on the website - the photographer is quite a talent and a class act.
Jezebel had a great birthday and just now was completely crawled up in Husband's lap while he was trying to sew on a button (you notice I was not the one doing it?). Just about the time he was dissolving in a puddle of "ain't she so cute?," she threw up all over him and that ended that.
I hope she does not have what I have - woke up this morning with a killer headache and could hardly haul myself out of bed to get to work. Husband was glad to see that I was feeling better when he got home. He earnestly remarked that he wondered if I was going to die, this morning. Huh. You'd have thought he'd have taken me to the hospital if he thought that. I kid you not, the headache was so bad that if I had not been in such agony, the thought that I was dying would have occurred to me, too. I have a history of migraines and while this was not one, it was in that pain category. Feeling better, now.
Political Comment Alert - skip if you are thin skinned: Today, I was talking to a friend of mine, a black attorney, and he hadn't heard that Al-Qaeda had referred to President Elect Obama as a "house negro." My friend looked aghast and immediately responded - "Those people are living in caves and they think calling him a house negro is an insult?????" I'm not sure if what he said was politically correct but I had to laugh at his response. We agreed that Al-Qaeda will have misread the American people if they think that insulting our President (Elect) is going to do anything but cause us to stand together against them.
I've been working on my circles lap quilt but not having much fun with it. It is kind of boring. I am ready to get back to another paper pieced one.
1 comment:
Wow! Her pictures are wonderful. She's very talented. I know Jezebel and Evelyn would love to pose for her. Have put Caleb on as many prayer chains as I know of.
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