Husband and I have somewhat different motivations in wanting to return home. To me, living away from Oklahoma is like being separated from a lover. I dream of her, nightly, with a mix of anguish and longing, coupled with occasional jolts of joy at the thought of being reunited. I don't "hate" this area but it is not my home or natural habitat. I have no more business being on the east coast than does an armadillo. I suspect that no matter where I lived, Oklahoma would be calling me to come home. Some of us are like that, some aren't.
Husband isn’t nearly as in love. I think he would be nearly as happy to move to Amarillo, Texas, or Gallup, New Mexico. So long as he leaves this “godforsaken place,” he’ll be thrilled. He is not a fan of traffic, trees that threaten to gobble you up and the political considerations that seem to saturate the very air we breathe in this area. He DOES like the money.
I did a school visit, yesterday, and met a very little girl who knits!! She is actually quite talented and has taught her teachers and various other adults how to do it. She learned from her father (who she reported does not knit but knew how so he taught her). She was knowledgeable about colors and textures, and had clearly been bitten by the bug. It was fun to see that in such a young thing. She politely looked at pictures of some of my quilts and rather than simply say they looked nice, asked specific questions about construction. I was charmed!
Jezebel’s muzzle continues to fill in. I enjoy looking at her every morning because her hair really seems to grow, overnight. I called her Fuzzy Face, last week. As I previously wrote, this week she is Furry Face. At the rate she is going, we may be up to Fluffy Face next week. Actually, her face has never been all that fluffy but you know what I mean.
I gave Evelyn a "sanitary" cut last week while Husband was out of town. I can tell he has been paying attention to my quilt-talk because he keeps slipping and referring to it as a "Fussy" Cut (although why this keeps coming up in conversation is beyond me). The quilters among us know there is a distinct difference. A fussy cut is the strategic placing of fabric in a design to showcase the fabric - like centering a flower on a block, for example. A sanitary cut has to do with trimming a dog's nether regions to keep them from getting too disgusting.
I looked up Jezebel's nose, this morning, and was horrified to see something that looked like the growth was returning to her right nostril. Upon further investigation, I think it was something else. I don’t much care what else it is as long as it is not that horrible cancer.
Tip of the day for perimenopausal women: Estroven PM and an open window to let in fresh air.
Today, I work in the office this morning; will swing by the Group Home and Detention Center at mid day; court this afternoon; and a home visit in a different town after that. I get a couple of days like this most weeks and it makes for a long one. But it also results in one or two short ones during the week, too!
No pictures, today. Given the subject matter of perimenopause, nostrils and, er, "fussy" cuts, I am sure you thank me.
Hey, we nurses wouldn't mind, but then, we're not like other people. lol
How odd to meet a little knitter! I was in my twenties before I ever took up crewel, which was my first craft.
I love reading your blog and eagerly look forward to the postings - whether they're quilt related or not. I suspect that your husband is right on "fussy cutting" the dog, in a way, I'm sure you're pretty fussy about what gets cut and what doesn't so as not to hurt her. I'm careful when I trim the cats nether regions.
I did try knitting when I was younger, crocheting too, it wasn't until I found quilting that I knew I'd found my niche. I'm glad she's found something that allows her to share herself in such a beautiful way with others.
I'm the same way about Texas as you are about OK. And even tho it's OK I still love your blog rofl! :) And omgosh has your DH ever SEEN Gallup???? ughhhhh I can't believe it would be better than the east coast! lol (no I really can, I was in Charlotte several years ago and the trees.... omg they were suffocating! Much prefer NM where you can see forever!)
How amazing about the little knitter, I hope her life situation lets her continue to develop this talent, because she obviously has a gift.
I know you didn't but here's a quote I've come to enjoy lately and thought you might like it too...
"Well-behaved women rarely make history".
Keep the indelicateness...coming! I love honest blogs and those that don't hold back.
intresting that her dad who "wasn't a knitter" was the one who taught her ... and cool too that she had taught some of the teachers ;)
Perhaps quilting is in her future? ~bonnie
I know exactly what you mean about your desire to return home - Oklahoma for you. I lived on the Texas gulf coast for seven years after remarrying. I am so glad that before that marriage I asked future DH if we could move back to northeast Texas after he retired. He consented. I married him. It wasn't long before the "siren's call" was urging me to return HOME.
One day, while still "down there," someone asked how I liked living there. Out of my mouth blurted, "I hate it." It startled me. I looked at DH. He looked at me.
Oklahoma holds fond memories for me also. I have cousins there.
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