Jezebel has rediscovered that she loves to fetch. Typically, there are only one or two fetches per session in a Samoyed but as a pup, she was wild about it. At one point, I held out hope that she might actually develop into a frisbee dog but our old girl, Sapphire (we lost her last December), absolutely forbid fetching. Whenever Jezebel would take off after a ball or some other thrown object, Sapphire would haul her crippled up self to her feet and demand that such scandalous anti-Samoyed behavior cease. If necessary, she would lay on Jezebel and press her teeth to her throat. Sapphire was quite serious that fetching was not allowed. Eventually, Jezebel gave it up and it has been fun to see her rediscover how much she enjoys it.
Her muzzle hair has begun another growth spurt so now I am again convinced that someday she will be sporting a white muzzle. I keep looking up her nose but don't see any growths coming back. As if I could actually see anything, anyway. She goes back for a check up, next week.
Follow-up to follow-up - just glanced over at her and the muzzle looks inky black. Frickin' weird how it does that. Still, that is just the pigment. I really can see hair coming back.
I mentioned that I had resigned from handling cases in one jurisdiction and will focus on just one from now until we return to Oklahoma. The next day, out of the blue, a judge in the remaining jurisdiction asked me if he could start sending cases to me. Close a door, open a window, that is how these things seem to work!
I apparently stumbled into a chigger patch when I walked the girls the other day. This is miserable. And ugly.
It is in the fifties this morning.
We are going to our favorite German restaurant this weekend to celebrate Octoberfest. They always bring in great beer this time of year. The place is super expensive but it has out of this world food.
No court, today, so I will be working at home. I'm glad because yesterday was a long one. I began the day frantically trying to finish up office work before darting out to a school visit. From there, I raced to a home visit. After that, I went to court to file some motions and then had court cases all afternoon. I had a meeting with a parent following the last court case and after that, I had another home visit in another town before dragging myself home.
I read over at Quilter's Buzz ( that next year, Moda is coming out with a new product, "Turnovers" to compliment its line of Jelly Rolls and Layer Cakes. Those in the know understand what I am talking about.

"Turnovers" are precut half square triangles. Such an inspired idea!!! (I hope she doesn't mind my posting her picture - let me know if this is a problem, Quilter's Buzz).
Off to start the work day. Maybe I will have time to work on the Surf and Sand Challenge sashing, later. I'm thinking something like this:

turnovers could revolutionize my work with triangles...i can't cut a square into two equal triangles to save my life.
The turnovers are cute - I heard a quilter say she didn't like to cut at a show, and I showed her the jelly rolls. Now she will have more choices.
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