I slept until about 6:30 this morning (very late for me) and then wandered downstairs. I surfed the web and wasted a bunch of time. Husband called from Madrid and I talked to him for a couple of minutes but other than that, it has just been me, Evelyn and Old Smoky Snout. Next thing I knew, it was 11:15 and I was still sitting in my pajamas, eating leftover pizza and not getting one constructive thing done. Shameful!
Here is a picture of the borders in progress. Looks pretty sucky at this point.

I wandered upstairs to work on the Patriotic quilt. I wrestled with the borders and fought a few corners. I think I won the battle but know without a doubt that it is not square. I am going to have to get that taken care of before I put her on the longarm.
Additionally, I need to get some backing material. I have tried to order wide fabric several times from online quilt shops and repeatedly, a few days later they call and ask if they can send me pieces because they don't have as much as I am asking for. The end result is that I am all hot to trot to put her on the longarm but don't have my backing material! I guess I will spend a little time peeling off paper and then I am going to try to figure out how to get the thing squared. I suppose I could drive down to the LQS to get backing material but I probably won't. Weekend traffic is murder and if I end up in a coma from a horrible car accident, who would feed the girls? (how sick is that kind of thinking?)
Evelyn and Jezebel are both in high spirits and happy to help me work on this project.

I really am happy with the red stripe on the border. I think it looks good against the muslin. I am not sure what sort of binding I will use. Maybe I will piece together some scraps but I probably won't because I am ready to take a break from seams.
I need to spend a bit of time putting away my red, white and blue fabric and scraps because we are now past that stage of the project - HOORAY!
Enjoy your weekend.
Well, the girls certainly look happy with the finished project!
I like it too, and I think the red border really pops.
I really like the red border against the white too. Great job!
lovin that red border. it's nice when the hubby's out of town because i get lots done...but other side of the coin...he's not here. so what do you do when you know you've got some crookedness? borders are always a struggle for me...when i send off that first quilt i don't want that longarmer cussing me and my quilt!
It really turned out nice. I buy my wide backing from Thousands of bolts on line. Right now they have a nice marble blue batik and a nice med. blue cotton.
The girls look great against Red, White & Blue!
Looking around the web, it seems like pieced backings are becoming a bit of a trend. Your work is so beautiful, it outweighs the necessity of squareness!
I love it!! MaryJo's also has a variety of wide backings. I haven't looked at what they have on line, but I would guess it's what they have in store. Check it out!
Love the quilt! (and your stories!)
Very stunning on the bed! It has been lots of fun watching it come together block by block!
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