So check out how much progress I made on the Patriotic Quilt during the past two days!! We are in the midst of the judicial conference so no court until Thursday. Since it is the end of summer, most of my GAL kids are on vacation. The end result is that I have been able to work at home, this week.
I started to do some storm at sea sashings and made a bunch of 6 inch diamond in a squares.
Here is a link to a quilt that has storm at sea sashings: http://www.quiltville.com/dearjaneatsea.shtml
Isn't the quilt in the link gorgeous? The storm as sea sashings are the pink fabric between the blocks.
After doing upteen blocks, I decided I didn't like the storm at sea sashing for this quilt. So then, I thought about a really pretty quilt I saw on the HGTV message board that was made by Karol. Here is a link: http://boards.hgtv.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/5894011632/m/4031006773 I figured I could use my diamond in a square blocks to build alternative blocks like the ones in that quilt.

I thought I had 17 star blocks but could only find 16. If that 17th one shows up, I am going to be really irritated!

I was taking pictures of the blocks when Evelyn tried to jump on the bed. She did a belly flop and since the blocks weren't stitched together, they whole thing fell apart and she slid to the floor. I laughed, which was mean.

Jezebel and I leave for the vet at 5:30 in the morning, sharp. We have to do this to be able to drive in the HOV lane. If we wait until 6:00, we have to drive the main interstate and it will take two hours to get to the vet. Instead, we'll drive 45 minutes to the vet, then wait until 7:00 to check in. The earlier you get there, the faster they can see her. It is first come, first serve. Around 9:00, they will give her the next vaccine and it should take about an hour or so to drive home.
Traffic in this area is insane.
that is going to be a gorgeous quilt, no matter how you set it!
of course, i'm partial to red/white/blue and americana....
The quilt is wonderful!
I was looking for an update on Jezebel. How is she doing?
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