This lovely statue is called the "Arte y Pico" award which was created to be given to bloggers who inspire others with their creative energy and talents no matter whether it be in the form of writing, artwork, design, interesting material, or contributions to the blogger community. When a blogger receives this award it is considered a "special honor" and, once presented to you, it is to be passed on to at least 5 other bloggers who meet the criteria.
Look at this cool, cool, cool award I got from my cyberbuddy, Stephanie, aka Scraps!! She nominated me back at the end of June but I didn't know it until, today. Life has been so crazy, don'tchaknow.
Stephanie is one of those compassionate/passionate people who contribute positively to just about anyone who comes into contact with her. Her profile includes the line: "I once heard it said no fabric is ugly if you cut it into small enough pieces. All put together, they make a beautiful quilt. I think my life is like that--a patchwork of the good times and the bad." On her blog, she comes across as the kind of person who will go the extra mile to transform anything into something beautiful. Thanks, Stephanie!
I haven't figured out how to add cyberlinks to my blog for my nominees but some of the links are on the right hand side on my blog list. I'll come edit/fix this if I figure out how to do it. As I tried to figure out who to nominate, I realized that it was super hard to choose. There is such talent out there and I bet a lot of people had no idea before they began blogging that they ARE so talented.
Stephanie nominated several folks, including Tall Grass Prairie Studio who I would also have nominated. Heck, I'LL DO IT AGAIN!!
But for my other four nominees I like Quilts With Love - she does gorgeous longarm quilting. Her work is absolutely amazing. She is good about posting pictures, too.
Also, Kris' Color Stripes has incredible photos and she breaks them down into color samples - hard to explain but I hope you go check them out. Just looking at the blog makes my brain relax.
I think I am also going to nominate RedneckDiva, even though she is more redneck than diva. As a guardian ad litem and sicko dog lover to the extreme (just look at what I am paying to get my dog well), some of the things she writes make me shake my head :). Still - I have to admit that I generally end up struggling to not pee myself in hysterics. She is truly a talent.
Finally, Always Quilts is a really nice blog for we quilters and quilter wannabes. She has some great eyecandy and does such a good job of reaching out with the nuts and bolts of quilting - I always come away from her posts with the feeling that I am coming away with more than I arrived with.
So there you go, bloggers. My goal today is to live with some measure of normalcy. I don't think I've pulled that off in a month. I even plan to grocery shop!!!
Just to show that things are getting back to normal, Jezebel gave a ferocious bark at about 4:30 this morning to indicate that she needed to go out. The little princess gets what the little princess wants, these days. In fact, I announced on the way back from Oklahoma - before we got the good news that she was not immediately on death's door - that she could even have chocolate if she wanted it (I was immediately overruled by husband who had maintained a sense of rationality about the whole thing. heartless b*stard).
But back to Jezebel - Husband crawled out of bed and she ran half way down the stairs in (as it turned out, feigned) hysterics. He rushed past her to open the back door and she rushed back up the stairs and jumped into bed with me. FAKE OUT!!
And Evelyn is lying on the living room floor with 4 toys cuddled in her arms. She wants them all!
Sure feels good to sit with a cuppa joe and plan my next quilting project.
We DO love our dogs, don't we? I love how Jezebel outsmarted the hubby! lol
I forgot to tell you my URL has changed--it's now scrapsbystephanie.blogspot.com, so the link on your sidebar won't work any more. Sorry!
I'm going to have to trek over to the sites you chose and check them out. That's one of the fun parts--meeting new bloggers--but dang, it makes my Reader list even longer! lol
Too funny! Our Greys will do that too...or race up the steps before hubby and jump on the bed! He's racing after them...but they are greyhounds...they win! They can lay in the bed and 'be asleep' before he even gets to the top of the stairs!
Glad that Jezebel is feeling better.
congrats on your award! I don't have time for a lot of blogs...but I do check yours regularly!!
beautiful dogs Penny. My parents had 2 also... beloved and the pictures will always remain on thier walls.
Aw thanks! I'm always so honored when someone gives me an award - it makes me all tingly. In a totally good way, of course!
Oklahoma rocks, huh? Where'bouts did you vacay in my great state? I am so far behind on reading blogs - you probably wrote where and I just didn't see!
I sorry to hear about your furr baby. I never heard of the blogger award, but you do deserve it. I have been reading your blog for some time. Just never do much commenting, for i am not near as good as putting things in words as others. I just want you to know that I do enjoy reading your blog.
Wow! Thanks for choosing me as a winner of the award. I've never been given one of these awards. I feel honored! Thanks for making my day!
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