<<I am so grateful to Jezebel's oncologist for pressing the pathologist to re-evaluate her lab results and get a second opinion. Last night about 10:00 they faxed an amended report that changed the findings from lo-grade nasal cavity carcinoma to mid-grade malignant melanoma. I was up most of the night trying to understand them, then up at 3:00 this morning to take her to [the veterinary hospital] for the CT scan.
I am not happy with the change - in fact, I am devastated - but had they not caught it, she would have probably gone through 18 radiation treatments over a three week period and it wouldn't have done her a bit of good. If the cancer was moving, it would have made her worse. At the least, her mental health would have suffered. It makes me shudder to think of the pain and suffering she'd have gone through for nothing. Our pockets would be emptied for no good reason, too.
So now, the treatment plan is different. She is undergoing a CT scan, right now, and unless it shows that there is no point to trying to save her, she will receive a vaccination that helps some dogs for up to a year and a half. Pray that she is one of the lucky minority that it assists. In addition, she will only have to have 3 - 4 radiation treatments and that would be so much easier on her. They can't cure her and the vet says she WILL die of the melanoma, eventually, but we might be able to buy her time with a good quality of life. We will know more in a day or so after they get all the reports back. If there is reason to go forward with the radiation, they will shave her nose to the point needed to direct the radiation. They told [Husband] they would paint her nose green. I will take a picture when I see her unless it is just too pitiful. No one wants unflattering photos circulating on the internet, afterall. They can't do the radiation tomorrow but maybe we can get started the next day or Friday.
She did NOT want to go into the vet this morning. She got out of the van, took one look at the place and tried to climb back in. Then she tried to get in someone else's car. I felt so sorry for her. Evelyn is home alone and has never been alone in her life. I am worried about her, too.>>
Oh, poor baby. I'm glad she'll only have to go through 3-4 treatments instead of so many more.
Bless all your hearts. I can only begin to imagine how you all must feel.
Hugs and prayers.
It is heart breaking to think of how scared she must be.
Poor Evelyn, her world keeps changing.
I don't know what else to say but you are all in my thoughts.
So sad. Thoughts and prayers for all of you.
Thinking and praying for all of you.
Awww, nuts. I'm sorry, this must hurt like heck. Give Jezebel and Evelyn a hug from me.
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