We’d been debating which car to drive and have finally settled on taking the minivan. We just had her serviced and she is in good shape for an 11 year old vehicle. It is probably a lot more comfortable for the girls than our smaller car.
Now that we have more space, I am struggling with temptation of taking my sweet little bernina and sewing stuff. I don’t think it has even occurred to Husband that this is on my mind. What am I saying? I need to get real - he probably knows exactly what I’m thinking (he always seems to) and is just not bringing it up hoping I will let it go.
Let’s see – I’d need the bernina, small cutting mat, rotary cutter, scissors, lamp (yeah, okay, that is extra), preprinted patterns, little iron (I can rig up an ironing board with a towel), tiny pp light, acrylic table and thread. I can buy fabric at the LQS!! Think he’d notice all that? (think he'd care?) I honestly think I could get most of it into a suitcase except the acrylic table, which I probably don't need. Hmm. I could precut the fabric, here, and just assemble there. That way, I’d just need the TINY rotary cutter mat.
I’ll think about it.
Still taking votes on which block I want to do, next (see yesterday).
I have a pretty simple rule - basically - if I am not flying and have to pack a toothbrush, then the sewing machine counts as a necessity. DH absolutely agrees because 1X we had to FIND a sewing machine store driving a 37' motorhome because I really, truly did NEED a sewing machine afterall (and believe me, we had plenty of room when we were packing to fit my machine in - I just thought I would be having so much fun traveling that I wouldn't miss it, HA). Don't forget your little scissors...
Well, isn't it a vacation? And aren't vacations supposed to refresh you? And isn't sewing/quilting therapeutic?
I see no conflict. 8^)
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