I want to say, “Thank you,” to our military families who make sacrifices we can’t imagine to keep us safe and protect our way of life. No matter what you believe in terms of the wars, I suspect we are all humbled by the fact that so many of our military over the years have made the ultimate sacrifice. I am currently reading Jeff Shaara's novel, "The Steel Wave." It's good. Thank goodness we aren't fighting that kind of war, anymore. Any death is horrible but the wholesale slaughter of our young people, even within the last century, is next to impossible for me to wrap my mind around. I don't know how families can bear it, then and now. Made of sterner stuff than I am, I suspect.
This time, last year, the family met in Oklahoma City and had a memorial for my mother. This year, my kids are there to lay their grandfather, a veteran of World War II and Korea, to rest. He was a good man from a lovely family. I am so grateful that my children had the benefit of having him as their grandfather. Rest In Peace, Grandpa.
On to more upbeat matters. I’ve had time to work on another patriotic block. Here are the fabrics I selected:

I used the pattern, “Arizona” from Carol Doak’s 50 Fabulous Paper Pieced Stars. I love that book. Here is a picture of the sample she has in the book (hope this isn’t some sort of copyright infringement):

Here is the block as I assemble it:

I was afraid I’d cut it too close but with a little “creative squaring” I was able to salvage it. Here is the final block:

I'm not real thrilled with the spash of red that ended up in the center section. It throws the block off center, seems to me. Oh well.
And here it is with the other blocks I’ve completed for this project AND my trusty helpers, Evelyn and Jezebel. The latest block is the one on the lower left. In case you are wondering, the girls are being entertained by a spool of thread wrapped in cellophane.

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