I should have quilted down more of the green part. It ballooned like a jelly fish!
Here is the part I added:
I messed with trying to quilt down some of the wayward parts of the quilt but was too lazy and unprofessional and stupid to properly restrain the quilt. Here is a picture post binding - DO NOT LOOK AT THE BINDING. It sucks. I was in a hurry and took shortcuts. Also - note to self - prewash binding material...

Here are some of the blocks.

See the flower panto?

For those who aren't quilters - thought you'd like to see a nice contrast - this is that same block before quilting. Doesn't the quilting give it depth and interest? I hope you will take note that the angles of both shots are the same. That is on purpose because sometimes I am brilliant.

This is a corner. Remember to not look at the binding. Actually, my son-in-law did that. Yeah, right. It was my son-in-law. I can't keep him away from the quilting machine. Right. That's what happened. He makes all my mistakes.

The wreath actually turned out kind of nice. You can see the squiggly lines around it - I added those after I washed it to try to get some control back.
Edited to add - I think the inside of the wreath probably needs some control - it looks like a portabella mushroom.

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