It has been a busy few days at work and with life in general. I did take time to gussy up the Ming Tree that I keep by the front door. I try to decorate it, depending on the season. It was bare at Christmas time but now it has spring like flowers on it. The Ming tree belonged to my Grandmother who gave it to Mom, who insisted that I bring it with me when I moved her here from Texas, last year.
This morning, as I was walking into court, I was attacked by a fog of nasty cigarette smoke coming from a sixtyish, well dressed, white, middle class looking couple. They were dragging so hard on their cigarettes that I thought they’d burn their fingers in a matter of seconds. They were going just fast enough that I couldn’t get away from them since they were ahead of me and heading in the same direction I was. The man kept hacking to beat the band and the woman kept complaining that her legs hurt and, “Why do they have to have the parking lot so far from the courthouse?” Snotty comments about giving up smoking kept going through my mind but I figured that if they were heading for the court house, they probably had some kiddo in trouble and didn’t need anymore grief from me. The woman said she didn’t know where they were going and the man told her it was the same building as they went to the last time, “Don’t you remember?”
About that time, the woman began crying and the man put his arm around her. I heard her say, “They make you take off your fingernail polish when you go to jail so I had the girl remove all of my polish. They won’t let me wear my earrings, either.”
Not too much catches me completely by surprise at the courthouse, anymore, but that did. If I were her and facing jail, I might be dragging on a cigarette, too.
Husband is out of town so I hit the sushi bar, again. This time, not only did I have California rolls, I threw in some shrimp and asparagus rolls, too! I am living large.
I took some butt ugly fat quarters and cut them into 12.5 inch squares, and 9.5 inch squares with the intention of stitching them together to make practice quilts.
I stitched together the 12.5 inch squares and drew simple blocks on them to give me something to practice with on the long arm.

I bought some cotton sheets on sale at the godforsaken Wal-Mart to use for backing. I couldn’t tell if certain sheet sets were marked down so I asked a large young man in a Wal-Mart costume if he could take a look. He just glared at me and then walked over to the sheets area. I followed at a safe distance. He kept going and began playing with the candy in the candy aisle. Twice, I asked him if he could help me and he just ignored me so I decided to give up. I thought that was so rude. A couple of minutes later I saw him sorting the sheets and singing at the top of his lungs. As I listened, I realized the kid was mentally retarded. The whole thing was a bit disconcerting.
Today, I loaded the practice quilt on the long arm and spent a little time practicing but lost interest after about 30 minutes. Work has been going at a pretty good clip and I needed to get a few things together. With Husband out of town, I need to take extra time to feed the dogs and take care of all the household chores.

A friend of my kids had twins, yesterday. So exciting. I saw a picture and the twins looked wonderful and the Mama was glowing.
Spring is a lovely time.
Here is a block that I just received in the HGTV Think Romance F8th block. Isn't it nice?

1 comment:
I'm glad you are woman enough to admit to second thoughts and reconsideration of your viewpoints.
I enjoyed your very thoughtful post about the smoking woman and the sheet sorting boy.
Thank you.
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