Evelyn generally snuggles at night but gets down from the bed when the lights go out. Last night, she stayed with me after she figured out he wasn’t going to be there to hog “her” side of the bed. She is a real daddy’s girl and it has been nice that she’s been staying close to me for attention. Of course, I will be yesterday’s garbage in her eyes when he walks through the door, tomorrow.
He just called after inspecting the potential property. It is a no-go. The house was really nice and the pond was great BUT about half of the property was a veritable swamp. The pond apparently is leaking onto the flat area downstream and he isn't convinced the dam will hold, over time. Probably needs to be rebuilt. It would cost a fortune to re-grade several acres. Moreover, the trees haven’t been maintained over the years and the growth around the pond was such that you’d need bucket trucks and an army of cutters to clean it out. There were also huge branches and other debris in the pond. There looked to be water damage on the house, the neighborhood was iffy and, well, I could go on but the bottom line is that we’ll keep looking.
He took the opportunity to visit with his family and drop in at Loveless Boots.

I had court this morning then swung by the bank (for long arm money) and visited the LQS for some more patriotic fabric. Spent too much. After that, I went to a Chinese restaurant and ate SUSHI (recall that Husband is out of town)! Actually, I am not sure a California roll should count as sushi. Then I went home and worked the telephone quite a bit. When Dr. Phil came on, I began rearranging furniture to make room for the long arm and that was a chore. I am pretty tired and will probably be sore, tomorrow. I still have a lot of moving to do. After that, I worked the telephone some more and tried to reassure one of my kids that “this too shall pass.” I hope it will. Late this afternoon, I went out for a home visit for a couple of hours and met a nice family. I got home around 7:30 and fed the girls. Not a hard day, but a long one.
Husband will be home, tomorrow.
I love checking in on your blog.My hubby and I are foster parents to a 16 year old.Her Gaurdian Ad Litem is one of the hardest working woman I have ever met. You have my respect for such a tuff job.
Thanks for checking in and bless your heart. I always feel so much better when I know my GAL kids are in a good home. This is a field full of saints and sinners and the foster parents are just amazing, to me.
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