Happy Leap Day!! I am glad this is not my birthday. Nothing worse than looking a lot older than your actual age.
This has been a difficult work week, heart-wise. I’ve got a terrible custody case – terrible because there are no bad guys and no matter what happens, nice people are going to be heart broken. It is a custody dispute at its worse – it is a little like trying to defend an innocent man when the evidence screams otherwise. No matter what you do, an injustice will probably occur and you feel bad because you can’t fix it and you feel like you should be able to.
I spent twelve hours over the past two days putting together a written report for an emergency hearing this morning (no way will I bill that much). It is 23 pages long and has additional attachments. I don’t always submit a written report but if it is complicated or there is another compelling reason, I will. I was worried that someone would object to it and it would be all for naught but no one objected. I felt bad that my husband got back in town last night and I didn’t do much more than wave and get back to work. I had to meet the attorneys at 8:00 this morning so was working down to the wire.
The Judge seemed very happy with it and said it was excellent, which made me feel good, not that is important to anyone but me. He started out the hearing saying that if anyone had anything to add to the report, he’d hear it but he didn’t want to have it all regurgitated. He said that I’d done a good job interviewing people and tracking down answers to the questions he had. I sure was glad I’d gone the extra mile. I know, I know, it is not about me. I am just grasping at something to make me feel better since the underlying situation is just horrible.
I asked for a very significant change in the status quo and it was granted. I really think it was the right decision but it was emotionally difficult because I knew one of the parties would be devastated. Sometimes it is like being a parent – you have to make tough calls even when it is breaking your heart. I guess Judges do that, everyday. I spoke to the “winning” party later in the day and he/she was glum because he/she felt bad for the “losing” party. Like I said, nice people. And this is a case that didn’t end up here because the parties were dirt heads (that term is just so rude). Life just intervened and dealt two families a horrible hand.
Most of the afternoon was spent organizing my office and sewing room. I put my big ironing board that I made on top of Husband’s giant speakers that are not now and, as far as I know, have NEVER been set up. I covered them with a quilt top and hope he doesn’t ask where his speakers are. If he objects, he can haul those things out of there because I have no more room. I am not kidding, they are waist high and weigh – I am not exaggerating –at least 150 pounds, each. Maybe more. He made them. I got a lot done but still have a long way to go.
I earned my glass of wine, tonight. Join me if you are so inclined.
photo - a picture of a gorgeous block that I just received in the Think Romance F8th Swap - no connection to the post but I like pictures.