What a week this has been. Some weeks are like that in any field. This week, I have been frantically trying to interview witnesses for a bloody hearing, tomorrow. The more people I spoke to, the worse it got. I frequently get concerned about my cases. This one had me distressed. Today, it took a better turn and I feel better about the recommendation I will make. So after I finished up my last interview, I was feeling more relaxed.
It occurred to me that I was only minutes away from a quilt shop that I like but rarely have the opportunity to visit. I decided to take advantage of the fact that I was in the vicinity and dropped in. I picked up several pieces of fabric I don't need:

Except for the blue, they are a little out of my comfort zone and it makes me happy that they called my name. I think the design of the pinkish one resembles the quilting I have been doing on the Surf and Sand quilt.

Right next door to the quilt shop, there was a store that sells holiday decorations by Jim Shore. I fell in love with several of them but didn't buy any. I think I am going to do some online shopping, later, and see if I can find some on sale.
As I was leaving the area, I passed a bakery and decided to stop. I bought a fresh cherry pie and took it home to Husband, who was working at home. It was a gorgeous autumn day so we sat and had pie this afternoon. It does not get much better than that, particularly on the tail end of a damned hard week.
I trotted myself upstairs, determined to finish quilting the Surf and Sand quilt. I ended up having to do some more ripping but managed to get most of the puckers out. I really enjoyed working on it and practicing the sorta McTavishing. I'm happy with how it is looking.

I still need to trim it up, prepare the binding and stitch it on. It is smaller than the Patriotic quilt and considerably lighter. Because the background quilting is so dense, it is stiffer. I am not sure if I am going to like snuggling under it but we'll see after I get it done. I ended up losing some of the border on the quilt because it was acting up so it is not as large as I planned. I have not done dense quilting, before and I'll need to adjust, next time. I suspect that is the cause of the puckering.
I am excited to be reaching a point where I can start a new project!
Husband and I are selling a small older home in Oklahoma City. Husband bought it nearly thirty years ago and we are set to close on it at the end of this month. We got a call from our realtor, this evening. We have a problem. Some %$#@&^% broke in and STOLE ALL THE ANTIQUE GLASS DOORKNOBS!!!!!
GGGRRRRR. I am just so disgusted. Thieves are pathetic. The owner-to-be really likes those knobs. We'll have to replace them and don't know if she will want antique value or whether she will accept new ones that look like the antiques.
Did I mention that I detest thieves? Well, let me back off that a bit. One of my kids is sitting in detention because she ran away from home and was gone two weeks. She stole panties from a department store because, as she put it, dirty underwear is disgusting. I suggested that she could pay them back for the underwear so she wouldn't have to feel guilty about it. She looked at me incredulously and informed me that, "Why should I pay them? You'd steal underwear, too, if you didn't have any clean panties."
Well then.
Here are more quilt pictures.

No pictures of the girls, today. Jezebel came into the house, yesterday with what looked like blood on her head, neck and back. All we can figure is that she killed something and rolled in it. She seemed fine although to tell the truth, I have a feeling something is going on with her. I have thought about this a lot and can't put my finger on what is different, but I have an uneasy feeling that all is not right. Let's hope it is just imagining on my part or, if not, something minor. Her appetite and energy level are the same.

I am going to go drink a Mike's Hard Cranberry Lemonade and kick back.

As usual, your quilt is beautiful. Isn't quilting therapeutic after a hard week? Will keep Jezebel, and all of you, in our prayers.
I am blown away by the quilting! It's absolutely beautiful. You know, I had no idea what McTavishing is, but if that tight swirly quilting is McTavishing, I like it. You've mentioned hours of ripping out stitches, but you've surely gone thru a wonderful learning curve here.
Sorry for the rough week. It sounds like an intense field of work.
Wow!! Your quilt is magnificent!!! Great job!
Hope your girl is okay. :)
Absolutely breathtaking!!! You did a fantastic job on this quilt. I'm sorry about the break-in at your house in OKC. Hope Jezebel is okay.
The quilt is stunning! And I love the quilting on it. I hope Jezebel is okay and that you are worrying for nothing. But, I know that its really hard when our fur babies are sick and can't tell us what is wrong.
Penny, your quilt is beautiful. The the color combination and the white just makes the blocks pop.
Sorry to read some unhappy person stole your door knobs. It sure makes you wonder who knew about the antique knobs.
Beautiful! Beautiful! What more can be said for your quilt - just stunning! As for kitty... maybe she has a thyroid condition - when my Brat was acting up I took her in and that was the problem - with some meds she's back to being normal.... whatever that is LOL!
Penny, Love the McTavishing! Did you use your new templates for the concentric circles over the star blocks? Really great work! I admire your discipline to finish and quilt a project before moving on. I am an ADD quilter...work on a project, start another project, go back to first project...eventually they all get done :)
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